Thursday, September 07, 2006


Secret Pal!...Where are you???

So, I still don't know who my pal was for sp8 and it is driving me nuts! I don't even care if she sends me anything, I just want to know who she is! After all, I think that is the funnest part of the secret pal process: getting clues to a persons identity over the course of a few months, and then finding out who they are, and if your guesses about that person were correct! :)
Hopefully she will reveal herself soon! She does deserve a special thank you on her blog from me for introducing me to the drop spindle (which I still have yet to blog about, ...maybe tomorrow, if I'm feeling up to it)!

And I'm still out of batteries, so still no pictures of current knitting. But for the sake of putting any old picture up, here are some pics from C&M's wedding. I hated the fact that I was the one short/fat bridesmaide! oh well....

I am going to be your angel:) Just came on to see what I can find out about you, I will be mailing your first package tommorrow I hope you enjoy everything:)
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